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Code Generation with LLVM: Practice Problems

Clone the repository

The files below and other example programs are available in a git repository

You must have git and python (3.x) on your system. Once you’ve confirmed this, run this command:

git clone

If you have already cloned the repository earlier you can get the new homework files by going to the directory where you cloned the repository earlier and then doing:

# go to the directory where you did a git clone earlier
git pull origin master

Then go to the llvm-practice directory

cd /your-path-to/compilers-class-hw/llvm-practice

Here is how to use the makefile in different environments:

  1. On CSIL Linux machines: use make llvmconfig=llvm-config-12 all
  2. On your local macos or other installation: use make all


We will be using LLVM version 12.0.1 for the homeworks in this course offering. LLVM 12.0.1 has already been installed in the CSIL Linux machines. You can use this version on CSIL by using llvm-config-12 in your makefile or using llvm-config on your local machine LLVM installation.

You can also install LLVM on your own machine by following the links on this page:

Decaf standard library

The file decaf-stdlib.c contains the standard library for Decaf and it contains the implementation of functions like print_int, read_int, etc.

Write a C or C++ program that uses the functions defined in decaf-stdlib.c.

For example, add these lines to a test C or C++ program and compile by linking with decaf-stdlib.c:

int i = read_int();
print_string("this is a test:");

We will link the Decaf standard library with the x86 assembly that will be generated using LLVM.

Hello World

LLVM is both a library for code generation and also a definition of an abstract assembly language which is used as an intermediate representation for code generation and code optimization that is machine independent.

LLVM assembly is converted into x86 machine code. The file helloworld.ll contains a simple Hello, World program in LLVM assembly.

; Declare the string constant as a global constant. 
; run the following command to run this LLVM assembly program:
; sh helloworld.ll 
@LC0 = internal constant [13 x i8] c"hello world\0A\00"
; note how the newline character is inserted into the string

; External declaration of the puts function 
declare i32 @puts(i8*)

; Definition of main function
define i32 @main() {
  ; Convert [13 x i8]* to i8*
  ; this is because the function puts takes a char* which is an i8* in LLVM
  %cast = getelementptr [13 x i8], [13 x i8]* @LC0, i8 0, i8 0
  ; read up on getelementptr:

  ; Call puts function to write out the char* string to stdout. 
  call i32 @puts(i8* %cast)
  ret i32 0 

i8 is an 8-bit integer used by LLVM for ASCII characters. The puts function takes an ASCII string and returns an integer return value of type i32. Except for the getelementptr instruction the rest is easy to follow. The next question explains the use of the getelementptr to access global constants. The LLVM assembly file can be run directly using the lli command:

lli_bin=`$llvmconfig --bindir`/lli
$lli_bin helloworld.ll

In this case we did not need to link with the Decaf standard library since we do not use any of the functions in it, but when we implement the Decaf compiler it will be easier to use the Decaf standard library functions instead of a function like puts which take pointers as arguments.

Using Decaf Library Functions

The following LLVM assembly code defines a function @add1 that adds two integers and prints out the value followed by a newline.

declare void @print_int(i32)
declare void @print_string(i8*)
declare i32 @read_int()

; store the newline as a string constant
; more specifically as a constant array containing i8 integers = constant [2 x i8] c"\0A\00"

define i32 @add1(i32 %a, i32 %b) {
  %tmp1 = add i32 %a, %b
  ret i32 %tmp1

define i32 @main() {
  %tmp5 = call i32 @add1(i32 3, i32 4)
  call void @print_int(i32 %tmp5)
  ; convert the constant newline array into a pointer to i8 values
  ; using getelementptr, arg1 =, 
  ; arg2 = first element stored in which is of type [2 x i8]
  ; arg3 = the first element of the constant array
  ; getelementptr will return the pointer to the first element = getelementptr [2 x i8], [2 x i8]*, i8 0, i8 0
  call void @print_string(i8*
  ret i32 0

Save the above LLVM assembly to a file add.ll. Notice that it uses the Decaf standard library functions: print_int and print_string. The LLVM assembly in add.ll can be converted into executable machine code using the following steps (also in the shell script

`$llvmconfig --bindir`/llvm-as add.ll  # convert LLVM assembly to bitcode
`$llvmconfig --bindir`/llc add.bc   # convert LLVM bitcode to x86 assembly
clang add.s decaf-stdlib.c -o add 

The binary file add is created and can be run as ./add.

Write down a recursive version of the addition function in LLVM assembly. The following Python program illustrates the algorithm.

def rec_add(a, b):
    if a == 0:
        return b
        return rec_add(a-1, b+1)

The following template illustrates the use of a conditional expression for branching and the use of a recursive function call.

define i32 @add2(i32 %a, i32 %b) {
  %tmp1 = icmp eq i32 %a, 0
  br i1 %tmp1, label %done, label %recurse
  ; insert LLVM assembly here  
  ; insert LLVM assembly here

It checks whether the first argument to the add2 function is equal to zero and sets a boolean location %tmp1 to a boolean value (booleans in LLVM are of type i1 or integer of bit width 1). The br call then branches either to %done or %recurse based on the value in the boolean condition variable %tmp1. Extend this template to write the LLVM assembly for recursive addition.

Simple Recursion

Implement the factorial function in LLVM assembly and print out the value of 11! using print_int.

Introduction to the LLVM C++ API


Typically include the following LLVM header files which contain the most useful functions in the LLVM API.


It is a good idea to download the source for LLVM and have a look at the IRBuilder.h header file. It contains almost all the functions that you need for building the Decaf compiler (they all return a pointer to a sub-class of llvm::Value).

The Module

The easiest way to collect all the generated code in one place is to declare a global variable into which you can insert blocks and function definitions. In the same way, it is convenient to define a global variable which contains the Builder which is used to most of the LLVM instructions we need for code generation.

// this global variable contains all the generated code
static llvm::Module *TheModule;
static llvm::LLVMContext TheContext;
// this is the method used to construct the LLVM intermediate code (IR)
static llvm::IRBuilder<> Builder(TheContext);

You can dump the LLVM assembly by calling the print function and specifying output to standard output outs() or standard error errs():

TheModule->print(llvm::errs(), nullptr);

LLVM Value

Almost everything in LLVM, including types, constants, functions, etc. is derived from a base class of llvm::Value.

So if you want to pass a single pointer in your yacc or codegen code then it is a good idea to use llvm::Value* to pass things around. You can always cast it back to the appropriate type when needed. For instance, if you pass a llvm::Value* but you want to treat it as an LLVM Function then you should cast it back to llvm::Function *.

LLVM Types

For variables we can create a typed location using the IRBuilder functions below that return a llvm::Type*

Type llvm::Type* Explanation
void Builder.getVoidTy() just a void type
int Builder.getInt32Ty() assume 32 bit integers
bool Builder.getInt1Ty() a one bit integer
string Builder.getInt8PtrTy() pointer to array of bytes (int8)

Here is a helper function that returns the correct LLVM type for each Decaf type:

typedef enum { voidTy, intTy, boolTy, stringTy, } decafType;
llvm::Type *getLLVMType(decafType ty) { 
    switch (ty) {
        case voidTy: return Builder.getVoidTy();
        case intTy: return Builder.getInt32Ty();
        case boolTy: return Builder.getInt1Ty();
        case stringTy: return Builder.getInt8PtrTy(); default: throw runtime_error("unknown type");

LLVM Constants

Sometimes the compiler needs to zero initialize a data structure (such as scalars or arrays). For this you can generate a zero constant using the following LLVM functions which return llvm::Constant*.

int32 Builder.getInt32(0)
bool Builder.getInt1(0)

Storage on the Stack

In Decaf, we need to store various objects such as variables, arguments to methods during a method call, and a few other objects. In most of these cases, we can store the contents of these variables in stack memory (as opposed to heap memory which requires a malloc). Storing in stack memory is convenient because once the function goes out of scope the memory for those variables is automatically reclaimed.

To create a new location (when the variable is defined) the following LLVM API call creates an allocated storage location TYPE which is of type llvm::Type* and returns a pointer to the location name in LLVM assembly.

llvm::AllocaInst *Alloca = Builder.CreateAlloca(TYPE, 0, NAME);

For example the following code uses the LLVM API to create an alloca instruction to store integers (LLVM type i32) on the stack. This storage space is used to store values and to load values from the memory locations on the stack.

llvm::AllocaInst *Alloca;
// unlike CreateEntryBlockAlloca the following will
// create the alloca instr at the current insertion point 
// rather than at the start of the block
Alloca = llvm::Builder.CreateAlloca(llvm::IntegerType::get(TheContext, 32), 0, "variable_name");

You should then store this pointer into the symbol table for the identifier NAME. You can access the pointer to the type TYPE using Alloca->getType() when you want to assign a value to this location.

To assign a value in a Decaf statement of the type lvalue = rvalue you should get the location of lvalue from the symbol table. You can check the type of rvalue using the following API call:

const llvm::PointerType *ptrTy = rvalue->getType()->getPointerTo();

And check that the type of the Alloca location for lvalue has the same type:

ptrTy == Alloca->getType()

If the types match then you can assign rvalue to lvalue:

llvm::Value *val = Builder.CreateStore(rvalue, Alloca)

Arithmetic and Boolean Operators

All the binary operators you need for Decaf are defined in the LLVM IRBuilder header file.

+ Builder.CreateAdd
- Builder.CreateSub
* Builder.CreateMul
/ Builder.CreateSDiv
<< Builder.CreateShl
>> Builder.CreateLShr
% Builder.CreateSRem
< Builder.CreateICmpSLT
> Builder.CreateICmpSGT
<= Builder.CreateICmpSLE
>= Builder.CreateICmpSGE
&& Builder.CreateAnd
|| Builder.CreateOr
== Builder.CreateICmpEQ
!= Builder.CreateICmpNE

The unary operators are also defined in LLVM IRBuilder.

- Builder.CreateNeg
! Builder.CreateNot

Method Declaration

A method declaration needs some setup: the name of the function, the return type, and the argument list with the right types. Once you have those, creating a function definition is easy.

llvm::Type *returnTy;
// assign the correct Type to returnTy

std::vector<llvm::Type *> args;
// fill up the args vector with types

llvm::Function *func = llvm::Function::Create(
    llvm::FunctionType::get(returnTy, args, false),

Then you have to create a basic block to hold the instructions for this method.

// Create a new basic block which contains a sequence of LLVM instructions
llvm::BasicBlock *BB = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(TheContext, "entry", func);
// insert "entry" into symbol table (not used in HW3 but useful in HW4)
// All subsequent calls to IRBuilder will place instructions in this location

When you generate code for a method declaration do the following:

  1. Create a new symbol table for local variables
  2. Create a BasicBlock, let’s say BB
  3. Do Builder.SetInsertPoint(BB)
  4. If you have done the function declaration for Function* func then iterate through the function arguments using arg_iterator and allocate them into the stack for each argument.

Let us consider an illustrative example for one function parameter called a of type int for a Function* func:

string name = string("a");
llvm::Function::arg_iterator AI = func->arg_begin();
llvm::AllocaInst *Alloca = Builder.CreateAlloca(Builder.getInt32Ty(), nullptr, name.c_str());
// Store the initial value into the alloca.
Builder.CreateStore(static_cast<llvm::Value *>(&*AI), Alloca);
// Add to symbol table
syms.enter_symtbl(name, Alloca);

You will have to iterate through each of the arguments in the method declaration AST and use the name and type and add it to the function definition using the arg_iterator as shown below. You need to name and load each argument from the function before running code generation on the body, so they can be used in the body statements. Iterate through each argument using an iterator, set the names, allocate them, and store them. This process is unique to generating function parameters.

for (auto &Arg : func->args()) {
  llvm::AllocaInst *Alloca = CreateEntryBlockAlloca(func, Arg.getName());
  // Store the initial value into the alloca.
  Builder.CreateStore(&Arg, Alloca);
  // Add to symbol table
  syms.enter_symtbl(Arg.getName(), Alloca);

You can get useful information about the method including a pointer to the function definition itself by using the following functions:

llvm::BasicBlock *CurBB = Builder.GetInsertBlock();
// gives you a link to the current basic block

llvm::Function *func = Builder.GetInsertBlock()->getParent();
// gives you a pointer to the function definition

// gives you the return type of the function

To create a return statement you first need to recover the function and then insert a return statement:

// sometimes the return statement is deep inside the method
// so it is useful to retrieve the function we are in without
// passing it down to all the AST nodes below the method declaration

You should create a default return type when you create the function definition. You can replace it with the real return if there is one but by default you should return the default value for the method return type (zero for integers, and true for booleans).

The following function with an appropriate enum definition of decafType will provide you the default value for the method return type:

typedef enum { voidTy, intTy, boolTy, stringTy, } decafType;
llvm::Constant *getZeroInit(decafType ty) { 
    switch (ty) {
        case intTy: return Builder.getInt32(0);
        case boolTy: return Builder.getInt1(0);
        default: throw runtime_error("unknown type");

Method Calls

Code generation for a method call also requires some setup.

llvm::Function *call;
// assign this to the pointer to the function to call, 
// usually loaded from the symbol table

std::vector<llvm::Value *> args;
// argvals are the values in the method call, 
// e.g. foo(1) would have a vector of size one with value of 1 with type i32.

bool isVoid = call->getReturnType()->isVoidTy();
llvm::Value *val = Builder.CreateCall(
    isVoid ? "" : "calltmp"

In the above code fragment, the location calltmp is used to store the value returned by the method call.

Promoting a boolean

You can promote a boolean of type i1 to an integer using ZExt:

llvm::Value *promo = Builder.CreateZExt(*i, Builder.getInt32Ty(), "zexttmp");

Remember to do this in method calls (e.g. to print_int) if there is a type mismatch.

Global String Variables in LLVM

You can declare a global variable in LLVM as follows:

llvm::GlobalVariable *GS = Builder.CreateGlobalString(s, "globalstring");
llvm::Value *stringConst = Builder.CreateConstGEP2_32(GS->getValueType(), GS, 0, 0, "cast");


You can ask LLVM to verify your function declaration (should be of type llvm::Function):


LLVM and Yacc: Simple Arithmetic Expressions

Before you do this practice problem, make sure you have a working symbol table implementation as specified in HW3.

The following yacc program fragment does code generation using the LLVM API. The full source code is available in the file sexpr-codegen.y.

  class ExprAST *ast;
  int number;

%token <number> NUMBER
%type <ast> expression
statement: expression
             Value *RetVal = $1->Codegen();
             Function *print_int = gen_print_int_def();
             Function *TheFunction = gen_main_def(RetVal, print_int);
expression: expression '+' NUMBER 
              $$ = new BinaryExprAST('+', $1, new NumberExprAST($3));
          | expression '-' NUMBER 
              $$ = new BinaryExprAST('-', $1, new NumberExprAST($3)); 
          | NUMBER 
              $$ = new NumberExprAST($1); 

It takes simple expressions like 2+3-4 and produces LLVM assembly as output.

declare i32 @print_int(i32)
define i32 @main() {
  %calltmp = call i32 @print_int(i32 1)
  ret i32 0

It does this by extending your code for building an abstract syntax tree (AST). For example, binary expressions are represented as the following AST data structure:

/// BinaryExprAST - Expression class for a binary operator.
class BinaryExprAST : public ExprAST {
  char Op;
  ExprAST *LHS, *RHS;
  BinaryExprAST(char op, ExprAST *lhs, ExprAST *rhs) 
    : Op(op), LHS(lhs), RHS(rhs) {}
  virtual Value *Codegen();

The code is then generated from the AST by calling functions defined in the LLVM API. Two main data structures contain the LLVM assembly code:

static Module *TheModule;
static LLVMContext TheContext;
static IRBuilder<> Builder(TheContext);

int main() {
  // Make the module, which holds all the code.
  TheModule = new Module("module for very simple expressions", TheContext);
  // parse the input and create the abstract syntax tree
  // Print out all of the generated code to stderr
  TheModule->print(errs(), nullptr);

The generated code is produced as a pointer to a data structure called Value. For example the following function is used to generate code for binary expressions.

Value *BinaryExprAST::Codegen() {
  Value *L = LHS->Codegen();
  Value *R = RHS->Codegen();
  if (L == 0 || R == 0) return 0;
  switch (Op) {
  case '+': return Builder.CreateAdd(L, R, "addtmp");
  case '-': return Builder.CreateSub(L, R, "subtmp");

Extend the code provided to you in sexpr-codegen.y in order to handle LLVM code generation for the following grammar:

statement_list: statement ';' statement_list
              | /* empty */
statement: NAME '=' expression
         | NAME '(' expression ')'
expression: expression '+' NUMBER 
          | expression '-' NUMBER 
          | expression '+' NAME 
          | expression '-' NAME 
          | NUMBER 
          | NAME 

It should accept input like the following:


And produce LLVM assembly:

; ModuleID = 'module for simple expressions'
source_filename = "module for simple expressions"

define i32 @main() {
  %a = alloca i32
  store i32 5, i32* %a
  %b = alloca i32
  store i32 3, i32* %b
  %a1 = load i32, i32* %a
  %b2 = load i32, i32* %b
  %addtmp = add i32 %a1, %b2
  %c = alloca i32
  store i32 %addtmp, i32* %c
  %c3 = load i32, i32* %c
  %addtmp4 = add i32 %c3, 2
  %calltmp = call i32 @print_int(i32 %addtmp4)
  ret i32 0

declare i32 @print_int(i32)

You will need to use your symbol table implementation to store the location of the variables. 1

Global Variables

In the llvm-practice directory of the compiler-class-hw repository you can find two example C++ programs: and for global scalar variables and global array variables respectively. also shows you how to access a particular array location, e.g. Foo[8] and also shows you how to update an array location, e.g. Foo[8] = Foo[8] + 1.

Kaleidoscope language

The LLVM download comes with a simple programming language which is illustrative of the LLVM API. In the llvm-practice directory of the compiler-class-hw repository you can find the and files which contains the entire source code for the Kaleidoscope compiler and a toy version as well. The compiler uses LLVM for code generation. Example Kaleidoscope programs are available in the directory kscope-programs.

Array Types

The LLVM array type is llvm::ArrayType which is provided using the following function:

llvm::ArrayType::get(TYPE, SIZE)

where TYPE is an LLVM Type and SIZE is the array size.

Control flow graphs

Consider the following function definition that involves control flow using an if statement.

// function that computes the greatest common divisor
func gcd(a int, b int) int {
    if (b == 0) {
    } else {
        return(gcd(b, a % b));

Below is the desired LLVM assembly output for the above function. To implement control flow and loops we need to set up various basic blocks and link them together using branching statements.

define i32 @gcd(i32 %a, i32 %b) {
  %a1 = alloca i32
  store i32 %a, i32* %a1
  %b2 = alloca i32
  store i32 %b, i32* %b2
  br label %ifstart

ifstart:                                          ; preds = %entry
  %b3 = load i32, i32* %b2
  %eqtmp = icmp eq i32 %b3, 0
  br i1 %eqtmp, label %iftrue, label %iffalse

iftrue:                                           ; preds = %ifstart
  %a4 = load i32, i32* %a1
  ret i32 %a4
  br label %end

end:                                              ; preds = %iffalse, %iftrue
  ret i32 0

iffalse:                                          ; preds = %ifstart
  %b5 = load i32, i32* %b2
  %a6 = load i32, i32* %a1
  %b7 = load i32, i32* %b2
  %modtmp = srem i32 %a6, %b7
  %calltmp = call i32 @gcd(i32 %b5, i32 %modtmp)
  ret i32 %calltmp
  br label %end

In the LLVM assembly above we have five different basic blocks. We have already covered how to create a basic block and set an insert point for the instructions that should go into that basic block.

The following diagram graphically shows how the different basic blocks are connected to each other.

LLVM Control Flow Graph

Once you can create basic blocks and insert instructions for each basic block then all that remains is to link them together using unconditional branches and conditional branches using LLVM API calls.

If I have created a basic block llvm::BasicBlock *IfTrueBB (the label used for this basic block is iftrue in the above LLVM assembly). Now I want to connect it to the return basic block llvm::BasicBlock *EndBB which has label end. In order to do this I need an unconditional branch from IfTrueBB to EndBB which I can do using the following LLVM API call assuming that my insert point is still in IfTrueBB:


For the conditional branch from a basic block llvm::BasicBlock *IfBB with label ifstart to llvm::BasicBlock *IfTrueBB when the conditional statement evaluates to True or to EndBB when False.

Builder.CreateCondBr(val, IfTrueBB, EndBB)

In this statement, val is an LLVM type i1 (in other words a boolean). If val is True the branch will go to IfTrueBB and if it is False the branch goes to EndBB. In the above LLVM assembly the value of val is stored in %eqtmp.


To implement backpatching for control flow and loops you need to remember different basic blocks. For example, to implement a for loop you will need to know the locations of the init, check and post parts of the for loop. The easiest way to remember this is to save a pointer to the basic blocks in the symbol table. The symbol to use is the symbol you use to name the LLVM basic blocks (ifstart, iffalse, and end in the above example). Because the symbol table already handles nested scopes you do not need to do anything special to handle any number of deeply nested control flow and loops (like, for example, nested for loops).

Once you have these basic blocks accessible using the symbol table it becomes trivial to implement break and continue.

Short Circuit for Boolean Expressions

To implement short circuit for boolean expressions you will need to set up basic blocks in a way similar to control flow statements like the if statement. Instead of generating the && and || equivalent statements in LLVM assembly you have to generate control flow for short circuiting for && and ||.

The underlying representation for LLVM assembly is in static single assignment form or SSA Form. In SSA Form, each variable is only assigned a value once in the program. The value of the variable can be used multiple times. In complex control flow graphs a variable might get a value from two different paths in the program. To deal with this complexity, SSA Form uses the concept of a \(\phi\) function which creates a new variable which depends on which path was taken through the control flow graph.

For short circuit of boolean expressions you have to create the \(\phi\) function yourself.

llvm::PHINode *val = Builder.CreatePHI(TYPE, 2, "phival");

where TYPE is an LLVM::Type

A \(\phi\) function is created using the LLVM function CreatePHI:

llvm::PHINode *val = Builder.CreatePHI(L->getType(), 2, "phival");
val->addIncoming(L, CurBB);
val->addIncoming(opval, OpValBB);

where L is the LLVM output for the LHS of the boolean expression and CurBB and OpValBB are the two basic blocks that are incoming blocks for the \(\phi\) function.

RTFM: LLVM Documentation

There is a lot more to learn about LLVM. Read the documentation at

  1. The s-expr practice solution. You need a working symbol table in with the functions new_symtbl and remove_symtbl to add/remove symbol tables as well as access_symtbl and enter_symtbl to read/write to the symbol table. Please do the exercise yourself before viewing the solution.