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Lexical Analysis: Practice Problems

Clone the repository

The files below and other example programs are available in a git repository

You must have git and python (3.x) on your system. Once you’ve confirmed this, run this command:

git clone

If you have already cloned the repository earlier you can get the new homework files by going to the directory where you cloned the repository earlier and then doing:

# go to the directory where you did a git clone earlier
git pull origin master

Then go to the lex-practice directory

cd /your-path-to/compilers-class-hw/lex-practice


Let \(\Sigma = \{ 0, 1 \}\)

  1. How many elements in the set \(\Sigma\)?
  2. Provide \(\Sigma^3\).
  3. Describe in English the set described by \(\Sigma^\ast\).
  4. Give a regexp for all strings in \(\Sigma^\ast\) equal to decimal number 6.
  5. Give regexp for all strings in \(\Sigma^\ast\) that are powers of two.
  6. Give a regexp for all strings in \(\Sigma^\ast\) that are even numbers.
  7. Give a regexp for all strings in \(\Sigma^\ast\) that are Binary Coded Decimal numbers (include the empty string). A BCD number is a decimal number where each decimal digit is encoded using a 4-bit representation of its binary value. For example, the BCD number of 2509 is 0010010100001001.

Simple Tokenizer

The following is a simple tokenizer written in Lex:

#include <stdio.h>
#define NUMBER     256
#define IDENTIFIER 257

/* regexp definitions */
num [0-9]+


{num}           { return NUMBER; }
[a-zA-Z0-9]+    { return IDENTIFIER; }
\n              /* do nothing */
.       { return -1; }


int main () {
  int token;
  while ((token = yylex())) {
    switch (token) {
      case NUMBER: printf("NUMBER: %s, LENGTH:%d\n", yytext, (int)yyleng); break;
      case IDENTIFIER: printf("IDENTIFIER: %s, LENGTH:%d\n", yytext, (int)yyleng); break;
      default: printf("Error: %s not recognized\n", yytext);

To run this tokenizer save it to a file called simpletok.lex and then save the following build instructions as the file makefile.

rm=/bin/rm -f

all: $(targets)

$(targets): %: %.lex
    @echo "compiling lex file:" $<
    @echo "output file:" $@
    flex -o$@.c $<
    gcc -o $(bindir)/$@ $@.c -l$(lexlib)
    $(rm) $@.c

    $(rm) $(targets)
    $(rm) *.pyc

To compile simpletok run make simpletok.

90int  # type this in yourself upto the comment char
Ctrl-D # this terminates the standard input stream

You should see the lexer output:


Modify the pattern definition of the token IDENTIFIER so that it has to start with a letter (a-z or A-Z) and followed by a (possibly empty) sequence of letters or numbers.

Lexical Analysis

You are given the following token definitions as regular expressions.

TOKEN_A cda*
TOKEN_B c*a*c

Provide the tokenized output for the following input strings using the greedy longest match lexical analysis method. Provide the list of tokens and the lexeme values.

  1. cdaaab
  2. cdccc
  3. ccc
  4. cdccd

Lexical Analysis using lex

The general architecture of a lexical analyzer for a programming language is to specify tokens in terms of patterns. For instance, we can define a set of tokens T_A, T_B, T_C each associated with a pattern specified as regular expressions.

T_A \(a\)
T_B \(abb\)
T_C \(a^\ast b^+\)

The lexical analysis engine should always pick the longest match possible, and in case of two patterns matching a prefix of the input of equal length, we break the tie by picking the pattern that was listed first in the specification (e.g. the token T_B is preferred over T_C for the input string \(abb\), and for the same input string, token T_A followed by T_C would be incorrect).

Provide a lexical analyzer using lex for the tokens shown above. Start with the Simple Tokenizer lex program you developed.

Remove Multi-line Comments

Provide a lex program to replace all single-line and multi-line comments from C or C++ programs with an equivalent amount of whitespace. Single-line comments begin with // and continue to the end of the line, and multi-line comments begin with /* and end with */ . Note that /*/ is not a valid comment. The C specification does not allow nested comments.

There are some testcases to help you develop your lex program. Clone the following repository (if you haven’t done so already).

git clone

If you have cloned it then do a git pull to get the latest files.

In the rmcomments directory you will find various python programs which you can use to test your solution to this homework

Run your solution program on the testcases using the Python program Your solution must be compiled in the answer directory and must be called rmcomments. Run against all testcases as follows:

# go to the main rmcomments directory with the file

This creates a directory called output and a file If you run multiple times it will overwrite your output directory and zip file which should be fine most of the time (but be careful).

Check your solution accuracy using the Python program You must create an file first using python3


Matching a Right Context

Lex can match a right context while matching a regexp by using the notation \(r_1/r_2\) where the regexp \(r_1\) will match only if the right context matches the regexp \(r_2\). The longest match is computed using \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) concatenated together. The lexeme reported is the match for \(r_1\).

For example, consider the following lex program.

a+/b  { printf("T_AB:%s\n", yytext); }
a+/c  { printf("T_AC:%s\n", yytext); }
b     { printf("T_B:%s\n", yytext); }
c     { printf("T_C:%s\n", yytext); }
.|\n  ECHO;

Here is how it behaves for a few inputs:

On input: ab

On input: ac

On input: abc

Read the following lex program:

a*b+/c+  { printf("T_AB:%s\n", yytext); }
a*b*c/a  { printf("T_ABC:%s\n", yytext); }
a        { printf("T_A:%s\n", yytext); }
c+       { printf("T_C:%s\n", yytext); }
.|\n  ECHO;

Predict what it will print out for the input string abcca.

Matching a Left Context

Lex can also match the left context with the use of states. The lex program below matches keyword called inputfile as the left context so that a string following this keyword is treated differently from one that does not.

/* example illustrating the use of states in lex 
   declare a state called INPUT using: %s INPUT
   enter a state using: BEGIN INPUT
   match a token only if in a certain state: <INPUT>\".*\"



[ \t\n]+                ;
inputfile       BEGIN INPUT;
<INPUT>\".*\"   { BEGIN 0; ECHO; printf(" is the input file.\n"); }
\".*\"          { ECHO; printf("\n"); }
.                ;


Modify the lex program to include a new left context for the keyword outputfile so that for the input:

inputfile "fileA"
outputfile "fileB"

Your program produces the output:

"fileA" is the input file.
"fileB" is the output file.

Backtracking in Lex

Lex can be forced to perform backtracking regexp matching using the REJECT command. For instance, this lex program does a match, does the action, and then resets back to the start of the match.

int numpat1, numpat2;

a+     { numpat1++; REJECT; }
a*b?   { numpat2++; REJECT; }
.|\n   /* do nothing */

int main () {
  printf("pattern a+: %d -- pattern a*b?: %d\n", numpat1, numpat2);

On input aaa the lex program above will produce the output:

pattern a+: 6 -- pattern a*b?: 6

This is because there are \(\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\) substrings for a string of length \(n\). Predict the number of pattern matches for the following inputs, and check by running the lex program.


Counting with Lex

Provide a lex program that reports the frequency of each pair of words in a text file. Each word is a sequence of non-whitespace characters separated by one or more whitespace characters (space and tab). The lex program below shows you how to use C++ in your lex program. However it does not compute the frequency of each pair of words correctly.


#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

typedef pair<string, string> bigram_type;
typedef map<bigram_type, int>::iterator dict_iter;

map<bigram_type, int> dict;

addtodict(char *yytext) {
  string s(yytext);
  istringstream sin(s);
  vector<string> tokens;
  copy(istream_iterator<string>(sin), istream_iterator<string>(), back_inserter(tokens));
  bigram_type key(tokens[0], tokens[1]);
  dict_iter find_bigram; 
  if ((find_bigram = dict.find(key)) != dict.end()) {
    dict[key] = dict[key] + 1;
  } else {
    dict[key] = 1;


ws [ \t\n]*
notws [^ \t\n]+


^{notws}{ws}{notws}{ws}     { addtodict(yytext); }
{ws}{notws}{ws}{notws}{ws}  { addtodict(yytext); }
.|\n                        /* do nothing */


int main () {
  for (dict_iter i = dict.begin(); i != dict.end(); i++) {
    cout << (i->first).first << " " << (i->first).second << " " << i->second << endl;

On the input string the cat on the mat saw the cat on the cat box on the mat spit the lex program above prints out:

cat box 1
mat saw 1
mat spit 1
on the 3
the cat 2

The right output should be:

box on 1
cat box 1
cat on 2
mat saw 1
mat spit 1
on the 3
saw the 1
the cat 3
the mat 2