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Homework 3: BabyLM Challenge

Start on July 5, 2023 | Due on July 19, 2023

Getting Started

If you have already cloned my homework repository nlp-class-hw for previous homeworks then go into that directory and update the directory:

git pull origin/master
cd nlp-class-hw/babylm

If you don’t have that directory anymore then simply clone the repository again:

git clone

Clone your own repository from GitLab if you haven’t done it already:

git clone

Note that the USER above is the SFU username of the person in your group that set up the GitLab repository.

Then copy over the contents of the babylm directory into your hw3 directory in your repository.

Set up the virtual environment:

python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

You must use Python 3.10 (or later) for this homework.


The goal for this homework is to get started with the zero-shot task for the BabyLM challenge.

BabyLM Challenge: Sample-efficient pretraining on a developmentally plausible corpus.. Alex Warstadt, Leshem Choshen, Aaron Mueller, Adina Williams, Ethan Wilcox, Chengxu Zhuang.

The BabyLM challenge evaluates language models in three categories: strict, strict-small and loose.

Strict: you are allowed to train on ~100M words of English language data.

Loose: similar to Strict and you are allowed to train on ~100M words of English language data but unlimited non-linguistic data (images, videos, etc.).

Strict-small: you are allowed to train on ~10M words of English language data.

For this homework we will be using the Strict-small setting only.

The dataset for training the language models are available from this URL:

You should use only the data in the babylm_data/babylm_10M directory for this homework which contains the following files:

aochildes.train         cbt.train
gutenberg.train         qed.train
switchboard.train       bnc_spoken.train
children_stories.train  open_subtitles.train
simple_wikipedia.train  wikipedia.train

A pre-trained language model which was trained on the babylm_10M data is available from this link:

Zero-shot evaluation in the BabyLM challenge involves evaluating a large language model on just one task: the BLiMP task.

BLiMP: The Benchmark of Linguistic Minimal Pairs for English. Alex Warstadt, Alicia Parrish, Haokun Liu, Anhad Mohananey, Wei Peng, Sheng-Fu Wang, Samuel R. Bowman. TACL 2023.

Once you have accomplished zero-shot evaluation, you are encouraged to also try the fine-tuning tasks such as SuperGLUE, but fine-tuning your BabyLM is not required for this homework.

Evaluation Pipeline

The main goal of this homework is to set up the evaluation pipeline for the BabyLM challenge and submit the scores you get on the BLiMP task as your deliverable for this homework.

The rationale behind this homework is to get you started on a plausible project activity even if you do not eventually use the BabyLM challenge as part of your project.

The first step is to clone the official evaluation pipeline for the BabyLM challenge and expand the necessary data files for the evaluation. Make sure you are in the nlp-class-hw/babylm directory when you clone the BabyLM github repository:

cd nlp-class-hw/babylm
source venv/bin/activate # see intro section
git clone
cd evaluation-pipeline
pip install -U .

On line 49 of the file change from cuda to cpu if you are going to run the evaluation without using a GPU. You might want to use your own GPU or the ones in CSIL or the free GPUs available on Google CoLab. Note that it takes between 4-6 hours to finish the zero-shot evaluation on the BLiMP data on a CPU. Speed can be improved easily to 30-60 mins by doing each section of BLiMP in parallel but that is not currently supported by the official evaluation pipeline.

There is also a CoLab demo of the evaluation pipeline available here:

Pre-trained Model

A pre-trained model trained on the babylm_10M data (see above for details) has been made available for you so you don’t need to train a new model from scratch on the 10M data. Follow the link below to download the model:

When downloaded keep the directory roberta-base-strict-small inside the evaluation-pipeline directory where you checked out the BabyLM evaluation pipeline repository.

You can run the unmodified pre-trained model through the evaluation pipeline as follows:

python "roberta-base-strict-small" "encoder" > babylm_eval.output

This will produce scores on the BLiMP task:

anaphor_agreement:         81.54%
argument_structure:        67.12%
binding:                   67.26%
control_raising:           67.85%
determiner_noun_agreement: 90.75%
ellipsis:                  76.44%
filler_gap:                63.48%
irregular_forms:           87.43%
island_effects:            39.87%
npi_licensing:             55.92%
quantifiers:               70.53%
subject_verb_agreement:    65.42%

It will also create the directories and files in: babylm/roberta-base-strict-small/zeroshot/ for each of the BLiMP subtasks.

Make sure you have the following directory contents before running

ls evaluation-pipeline/babylm/roberta-base-strict-small/zeroshot/

Should show you these files:

anaphor_agreement   binding           determiner_noun_agreement
filler_gap          island_effects    quantifiers
argument_structure  control_raising   ellipsis
irregular_forms     npi_licensing     subject_verb_agreement

The directory name roberta-base-strict-small could be different depending on your pre-trained language model name.

Keep this directory intact since will be using the above directory to prepare you homework submission.

Warning: the time taken for the basic evaluation (shown above) is about 6 hours on a CPU. It is substantially faster if you have access to a GPU.

Data files

The data files for this homework are:

  • The official evaluation pipeline for BabyLM:
  • The dataset for the various LM sizes for this challenge:
  • A pre-trained model on the Strict-small BabyLM data:

Default solution

There is no default solution except for the evaluation pipeline provided by the BabyLM challenge (as described above).

However, any code you write to improve the pre-trained language model or train a new language model on the Strict-small data should be added to the answer directory.

You still have and to submit your final evaluation scores on the zero-shot task for the BabyLM challenge, which is the BLiMP evaluation.


This should create an file from the evaluation scores computed by the evaluation-pipeline. This should be very quick since all the hard work was already done during the evaluation phase.

Next you can check the overall score by running


Which should return a macro-average accuracy score for the entire BLiMP task (e.g.):

score: 75.0570 

For this homework, it is acceptable to submit the evaluation scores produced by the provided pre-trained model, since this homework is to evaluate if you can get started on a project and run the evaluation pipeline to evaluate your project work on standard benchmark dataset(s).

The Challenge

Since the BLiMP task involves various pairwise comparison tasks based on the language model score your best bet to improve the discriminative power of the language model to changes in the grammar of the sentence. Here are some ideas, but there are many equally good ideas you can come up with:

  • The classification task uses the [CLS] token (in RoBERTa this is actually <s>). So creating a fine-tuning task for the strict small model that allows it to discriminate between corrupted sentences (by replacing a content word like a verb, noun or adjective at random with another content word) and also allows it to recognize benign changes that do not make the sentence ungrammatical (replacing a content word with a synonym from Wordnet).
  • Use an ELECTRA model to train a discriminator that should do better on the BLiMP task.
  • Fine-tune the strict small model on the BLiMP data (this is technically cheating, but it would be interesting to see if fine-tuning helps). If fine-tuning on BLiMP helps, then try using an online LLM service to generate fine-tuning data for your small model to do better on the BLiMP task.
  • Since the BLiMP task is about recognizing syntax errors it might help to read the background on each sub-task and tailor the fine-tuning for each sub-task differently for higher accuracy.

One thing to keep in mind is that your first evaluation on the provided pre-trained model is going to be sufficient to get you a pretty good grade on this homework. If you want to aim for higher than that, you can pursue one of the above ideas or some of your own.

Submit your homework on Coursys

Once you are done with your homework submit all the relevant materials to Coursys for evaluation.


Once you have run the BabyLM evaluation pipeline create for upload to Coursys using:



To create the file for upload to Coursys do:


You must have the following files or will complain about it:

  • answer/ – this can be an empty file for this homework if you didn’t change the pre-trained model.
  • answer/babylm.ipynb – this is the iPython notebook that will be your write-up for the homework.

Each group member should write about what they did for this homework in the Python notebook.

Upload to Coursys

Go to Homework 3 on Coursys and do a group submission:

  • Upload and
  • Make sure you have documented your approach in answer/babylm.ipynb.
  • Make sure each member of your group has documented their contribution to this homework in the Python notebook.


The grading is split up into the following components:

  • evaluation scores (see Table below)
  • iPython notebook write-up
    • Make sure that you are not using any external data sources in your solution.
    • Make sure you have implemented the fine-tuning model improvements yourself without using external libraries.
  • Check if each group member has written about what they did in the Python notebook.

Your score should be equal to or greater than the score listed for the corresponding marks.

Score Marks Grade
25 0 F
30 55 D
35 60 C-
40 65 C
45 70 C+
50 75 B-
55 80 B
60 85 B+
65 90 A-
69 95 A
75 100 A+